“I’ve never seen someone LISTEN so attentively. You give so few answers, but ask such great questions, that I come to the answer myself.”

– Dennis Wilt –

home / coaching and consulting

Coaching and Consulting

You communicate constantly. Without your mouth! What do your nonverbals say about you? Communication is a skill, one that can be learned and improved. A few key nonverbal skills can dramatically improve your career. And your life.

After just a few sessions of communication coaching, clients have nailed interviews, been offered promotions, improved morale in their office, increased sales, managed difficult relationships, “aced” doctoral presentations, and achieved countless other personal goals.

It takes time and practice to change your communication habits, yet the skills are relatively simple. Don’t let bad habits or negative mindsets stand in the way of your dreams. You have what it takes to change your communication and your life.

Book a preliminary interview today. I look forward to hearing from you!

Coaching Packages

All packages include:


  • A preliminary phone or Zoom interview to discuss your goals
  • Analysis of a written questionnaire to gauge your needs and communication style
  • Three 60-minute confidential one-on-one sessions via Zoom
  • Notes, action items, and recommended reading following each session
  • Email support through the duration of the package

Some topics we may cover during the session include:


  • Increase leadership presence
  • Convey credibility & authenticity
  • Develop public speaking skills
  • Build & improve relationships
  • Manage work-life balance
  • Overcome impostor syndrome
  • Communicate vision & values
  • Provide inspiration

Interpersonal Communication

  • Increase confidence

  • Adapt to differing communication styles

  • Handle conflict

  • Learn voice & body language skills

  • Overcome social anxiety

  • Develop conversation & listening skills

  • Build rapport with others

  • Address difficult people & situations

 Presentation Skills

  • Increase your presence
  • Learn how to get and keep attention
  • Deliver memorable & compelling presentations
  • Convey credibility & authenticity
  • Overcome bad habits & nervous tics
  • Recover from mishaps
  • Engage your audience
  • Manage performance anxiety

Personal Development

  • Define personal vision & values

  • Develop courage & confidence

  • Overcome limiting beliefs

  • Manage emotions & stress

  • Develop & maintain boundaries

  • Increase personal power

  • Create a life of clarity, harmony, & fulfillment

Each package is tailor-made just for you.

Most clients’ needs and goals do not fit neatly within one area. Before coaching sessions begin, we will discuss your objectives and priorities. Each session will focus on the skill or situation that you want to address.

Click below to request more information.

“Rachel was instrumental in helping me improve my executive presence as well as elevating my presentation skills to the next level. The time I spent with Rachel was truly invaluable, to the point that I was promoted to a VP role. Thank you, Rachel!”

– Sarah Heiner –

“My presentation went better than I could have ever expected! I was beyond happy with the outcome and I finished feeling very proud of my accomplishment. I SHOWED UP and owned my material and the environment. It felt amazing! The feedback I received from my peers was excellent. All your help and advice, instruction and support assisted me in meeting my goal. I am very grateful!”

– Kelly Fox –

“I’ve never seen someone listen so attentively. You give so few answers, but ask such great questions, that I come to the answer myself.”

– Dennis Wilt –

“I loved Rachel. She was great at working with my personality and made sure I could be myself and speak from the heart while sounding confident and assertive. I got my dream job because of it!”

– Lyndsey Chamberlain –

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