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3 Things to Leave Behind

3 Things to Leave Behind

These behaviors are easy to fall into, especially when faced with fear, doubt, and loss. However, they amplify pain. Leave them behind to experience more peace and power in the upcoming year.

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When You Feel Depleted

When You Feel Depleted

Running on fumes? Yes, all the feel-good inspirational sayings out there are true: You are stronger than you think. Yet strength doesn’t come from nowhere. Here’s how to replenish.

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How to Get People to Open Up

How to Get People to Open Up

It would be so much easier to make decisions that involve other people if you could really see them for who they are. Here are some tips to help others feel safe enough to show you the truth about themselves.

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How Good Leaders Handle Stress

How Good Leaders Handle Stress

How you present yourself, especially when under stress, demonstrates whether or not you are a leader. When feeling pressured, do these four things to communicate strong leadership ability.

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How to Deal with Feedback

How to Deal with Feedback

How do you handle negative comments, compliments, praise, and constructive criticism? Learning to filter, accept, and learn from both positive and negative feedback leads to resilience and growth.

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Stressed? Try These Three Fixes

Stressed? Try These Three Fixes

In our fast-paced world, stress is a fact of life. But too much stress hinders your ability to think clearly and communicate effectively. Here are three ways to improve your relationship with stress.

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How to Say “No”

How to Say “No”

Saying no can be hard. How will it affect my relationships? My career? My reputation? With these tips you can say no when you need to with confidence and grace.

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The Clothes Make the Man

The Clothes Make the Man

… or do they? Clothing sends a strong nonverbal message to others and to our own brains. Yet power, worth, and credibility come from something far deeper and stronger.

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Feeling Burned Out?

Feeling Burned Out?

Sometimes burnout is the result of a toxic work environment or bad boss. Sometimes employees do it to themselves. Here are some ways to proactively stave off burnout.

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Fast, Not Furious

Fast, Not Furious

Sometimes people equate staying calm with being slow. Yet there are times when you need to be quick and decisive. Can you increase your pace without conveying stress? Yes! Here’s how.

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From Body Image to Body Language

From Body Image to Body Language

You use your body — the whole thing! — to communicate. How you think and feel about your body affects how you present yourself and relate to others. Here are two ways body image especially impacts women’s communication.

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How to Change Anything

How to Change Anything

Do you want to change the world? Or your office culture? Or your relationship with your boss? Or anything at all in your life? Then you must change this ONE thing.

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I Am Amazing. And Broken. Just Like You.

I Am Amazing. And Broken. Just Like You.

Every January, a brand new year begins, full of promise. Every square on the calendar is empty, waiting for us to fill it with life well-lived. Several of my friends have had new babies in the first few days of January, over…

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Claim Your Space

Claim Your Space

One of the main ingredients of personal presence is how you interact with and claim space. Here’s what that means and how to do it.

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