How to Turn Fight-or-Flight into Confidence

How to Turn Fight-or-Flight into Confidence

How to Turn Fight-or-Flight into Confidence   You’re in front of a group, presenting, when a heckler throws out a question. You don’t know the answer. You’re not sure there is an answer. That’s obviously not the point—this is an attack! Which of the following...
10 Ways to Communicate Confidence Nonverbally

10 Ways to Communicate Confidence Nonverbally

10 Ways to Communicate Confidence Nonverbally   As a young child, I was outgoing, confident, and friendly. I would approach strangers without a second thought (much to my parents’ dismay), boss my friends and siblings around, easily make new friends on the...
How to Conquer Pre-Performance Nerves

How to Conquer Pre-Performance Nerves

How to Conquer Pre-Performance Nerves   As a pianist in my younger days, I experienced debilitating stage fright. Even the idea of playing in front of friends and family terrified me. I usually managed to get through the performance, but would often end up crying...