What to do when someone is freaking out

What to do when someone is freaking out

What to do when someone is freaking out   Emotions are a normal part of daily experience and work takes up a big chunk of your life, so… you’ll probably face some intense emotions occasionally during your work day. And since 2020 has been a year of upheaval (and...
Stressed? Breathe. Here’s Why and How.

Stressed? Breathe. Here’s Why and How.

Stressed? Breathe. Here’s Why and How.   A sharp inhale. A heavy sigh. A deep, relaxed, full breath. Do you ever consider your breathing? What about when you’re under stress? Breathing just … happens. No thought or intention needed! But though you may not...
3 Common Communication Pitfalls

3 Common Communication Pitfalls

3 Common Communication Pitfalls (and how to avoid them)   No one is a perfect communicator. Not me. Not you. In the best of times, communication pitfalls can lead to breakdowns. In times of crisis when emotions run high, the effects of bad habits are amplified....